Esoteric Books
There are 61 books in this catalogue.
Maitreya's Mission Volume Three
Creme, Benjamin
Book Number: 59996
Publisher: Share International Fdn 1997
8vo softcover 704pp Very good+. This inspiring and heart-warming book offers new hope and guidance to a suffering world on the threshold of a golden age. It presents the teachings of Maitreya--the Christ and World Teacher for this age--on both outer (worldly) and inner (spiritual) levels, His uniquely accurate forecasts of world events, and His miraculous appearances to people throughout the world. It also contains a series of interviews with the Master of Wisdom whom author Benjamin Creme has been associated for more than 40 years. These interviews throw new light on some of the greatest problems facing humanity. More insightful information is offered on such diverse topics as the growth of consciousness, psychology, nuclear weapons, the environment, AIDS, the stock market, and science and technology in the New Age. Transcripts of Creme's lectures on
Price: $18.00
Hidden Depths - The Story of Hypnosis
Waterfield, Robin
Book Number: 59980
ISBN: 0330492519
Publisher: Macmillan 2002
8vo. Softcover. 464pp. Very good. Index. Illustrated. Contents includes Hypnosis in Fact and Fiction, Franz Anton mesmer, Magnetic Sleep and Victor's Sister, Crusaders and Prophets in the US, Mesmeric Mania in the UK, Murder, Rape and Debate in the Late Nineteenth Century, Psychic Powers and Recovered Memories, Freud and Other Alienists, The Modern Controversy, Hypnotherapy, Mind Control, Self-improvement and the New Age, A Plea
Price: $15.00