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There are 117 books in this catalogue.
Time, Love, Memory: A Great Biologist and His Quest for the Origins of Behavior
Weiner, Jonathan
Book Number: 27334
ISBN: 0571196322
Publisher: New York Faber and Faber, 1999
8vo hardcover 300pp index, b/w illus. very good, page edges browned. / very good d/w. Focusing on the genes that determine human behaviour, this book discusses how human beings' emotional responses can be genetically isolated and manipulated. The author also considers the political and social implications of this scientific breakthrough.

Price: $15.00

The Search for Eve: Have Scientists Found the Mother of Us All?
Brown, Michael H.
Book Number: 30762
ISBN: 0060160551
Publisher: New York HarperCollins 1990
8vo hardcover 357pp index, b/w illus. very good / good d/w. A controversial theory of human common ancestry is presented in a painstaking analysis that draws on the opinions and knowledge of leading evolutionary geneticists and paleoanthropologists.

Price: $15.00

Coming of Age in the Milky Way
Ferris, Timothy
Book Number: 32219
ISBN: 0370313321
Publisher: Bodley Head 1989
8vo hardcover 496pp index, b/w illus. very good / very good d/w. Popular science with witty anecdotes that lighten the intellectual load, integtrated with scientific ideas, and philosophical and religious contexts. From Aristotle to the Big Bang, from the music of the spheres to the unimaginable ancient light of a quasar, this is the story of man's long search for an understanding of cosmic space and time. He relates Kepler struggling to define the orbit of Mars, Galileo locked under house arrest for offending the Church, William Herschel plumbing deep in space in his study of galaxies, Murray Gell-Mann plotting the particles inside protons and neutrons. Written by a professional astronomer, he aims to be accessible to the general reader. He has also written "The Red Limit" and has received a number of awards for his work and teaches science writing and astronomy at the Univesity of Californai, Verkeley.

Price: $12.00

Eight Little Piggies (Penguin Science S.)
Gould, Stephen Jay
Book Number: 32800
ISBN: 0140179941
Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd 1993
8vo softcover 480pp index, b/w illus. very good, faded spine. This collection of essays ranges from history to the latest theories in biology, from controversies over palaeontology to the origins of language. The title is a pun and as always with Gould, the joke has a point that illustrates the largest pattern of life's history. For millennia, the animals that populated the Earth had four toes on each foot, or six. If evolution had taken a tiny shift - if man's ancestors had inherited a couple of genes in a different form - our canonical number, based on man's fingers and toes, might be eight instead of ten.

Price: $14.00

The Uncertainty Principle
Williams, Robyn
Book Number: 33320
Publisher: Sydney. ABC Enterprises. 1989.
8vo. softcover. 217pp. near fine.

Price: $6.00

Tips for Time Travellers: Visionary Insights into New Technology, Life and the Future by One of the World's Leading Technology Prophets
Cochrane, Peter
Book Number: 33387
ISBN: 0752813498
Publisher: Orion 1997
8vo hardcover 148pp index, b/w illus. very good+ / very good+ d/w. Nicholas Negroponte, Director, MIT Media LabnThis book illustrates how your life will change by being digital and, as such, is a primer about living in the future. nnDouglas Adams, Author, "The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy"nPeter Cochrane is one of our most far-sighted visionaries, and brings brilliant clarity and focus to our understanding of ourselves and our technologies, and of how profoundly each is transforming the other.

Price: $12.00

Secrets of the Dead
Miller, Hugh
Book Number: 34923
ISBN: 0752271660
Publisher: Pan Macmillan 2000
8vo hardcover 192pp index, colour illus. very good+ / very good+ d/w. "Secrets of the Dead", the past is investigated through forensic science and it argues that our understanding of history is changed as a result. The methodology of the forensic tests is explored as well as the historical implications of these discoveries.

Price: $10.00

The modern Frankenstein: Fiction becomes fact
Hammond, Ray
Book Number: 36155
ISBN: 0713718234
Publisher: Poole ; New York Blandford Press 1986
8vo hardcover 192pp index, b/w illus. very good / very good d/w.

Price: $12.00

Mapping the Next Millennium : How Computer-Driven Cartography Is Revolutionizing the Face of Science
Hall, Stephen S.
Book Number: 36391
ISBN: 0679741755
Publisher: New York Vintage 1993
8vo softcover 477pp index, colour illus. very good. A visually stunning and conceptually explosive report from the frontiers of mapmaking. Ranging from the mapping of the ocean floor to the scanning of remote galaxies, from portraits of subatomic collisions to an unprecedented view of the mathematical constant "pi, " this work makes the theoretical compellingly concrete, even as it reminds us that the world is far more vast than we ever dreamed. Photographs throughout.

Price: $15.00

The Mind
Smith, Anthony
Book Number: 39499
ISBN: 067047648x
Publisher: Viking 1984
8vo. hardcover. 342pp. index. very good. / good d/w.

Price: $15.00

The Genius Factory. The Curious History of the Nobel Prize Sperm Bank
Plotz, David
Book Number: 39502
ISBN: 0743275519
Publisher: Simon and Schuster 2005
8vo. hardcover. 262pp. b/w illus. near fine. / near fine d/w.

Price: $12.00

Robin Stewart's chemical free pest control : hundreds of practical & inexpensive ways to control pests without chemicals / Robin Stewart.
Stewart, Robin E. (Robin Elaine)
Book Number: 40651
ISBN: 1863951318
Publisher: Melbourne Black Inc. 2002
8vo softcover 347 pp very good. Includes index.

Price: $12.00

Scientist of the Empire: Sir Roderick Murchison, Scientific Exploration and Victorian Imperialism
Stafford, Robert A.
Book Number: 41908
ISBN: 052133537X
Publisher: Cambridge University Press 1989
8vo hardcover 291pp index, b/w illus. very good+ / very good+ d/w. Sir Roderick Murchison's life and work is investigated in this study as a bargain struck between science and the forces of imperialism in mid-Victorian Britain. It illuminates the broader, and still present, intimacy between science and government. More than any contemporary, Murchison (1792-1871) emerged as the eminent Victorian who "sold" science to the Imperial government, on the grounds of utility as much as prestige. By the end of his life the map of the world and its powers looked very different; and throughout this world there were two dozen "discoveries" named after Murchison himself. A giant of the imperial age, Murchison's career was tied intimately to the expansion of the political, economic and scientific realm of the British Empire. He was a founding father of geological science and geographical exploration, president of the Royal Geographical Society and Director-General of the Geological Survey. His identification of the Silurian system in geology--and subsequent prediction of the location of economic riches--is as notable as his patronage of David Livingstone and other figures of Victorian exploration.

Price: $30.00

Germs. The Ultimate Weapon.
Miller, Judith
Book Number: 42697
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Ltd 2001
8vo softcover 384pp index very good.

Price: $10.00

Buried Alive: The Terrifying History of Our Most Primal Fear
Bondeson, Jan
Book Number: 44547
ISBN: 039304906X
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company 2001
8vo hardcover 320pp index, b/w illus. very good+ / very good+ d/w.

Price: $15.00

The uncertainty principle - Australian Scientists talk about our world, our past and our future.
Williams, Robyn
Book Number: 47090
ISBN: 0733301258
Publisher: ABC Enterprises for the Australian Broadcasting Corp 1991
8vo softcover 307pp very good. signed.

Price: $12.00

Time Lord: Sir Sandford Fleming and the Creation of Standard Time
Blaise, Clark
Book Number: 47333
ISBN: 029784136x
Publisher: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2000
8vo hardcover 246pp index. very good, owner's inscription on fep. / very good d/w.

Price: $12.00

Galileo's Gout: Science in an Age of Endarkenment
Weissmann, Gerald
Book Number: 51657
ISBN: 1934137006
Publisher: Bellevue Literary Press April 1, 2007
8vo hardcover in d/w. 192pp very good. / Very good d/w creased on top edge Illustrated with b&w intext pictures. Weissmann introduces us to a new way of thinking about the connections between art and medicine.

Price: $15.00

Natural Hazards
Chapman, David
Book Number: 55550
ISBN: 0195535642
Publisher: Australia Oxford University Press 1996
8vo softcover 192pp index, b/w illus. very good. In the twentieth century, the disastrous effects of natural hazards have increased, reflecting the substantial growth in world population, the vulnerability of marginal groups, and the mismanagement of the environment. This book provides potential answers to the questions concerning natural disaster preparedness and management. It develops a conceptual model for understanding hazards and describes specific dangers within the framework of the model. A chapter is devoted to each of the hazards, and decisions and management strategies are outlined, emphasizing risk analysis and decision theory. Students and teachers of geography, agriculture, and environmental studies will find important information in this relevant book.

Price: $6.00

Beauty and the Beasts - Woman, Ape and Evolution
Jahme, Carole
Book Number: 56337
ISBN: 1860497756
Publisher: Virago Press 2001
8vo. Softcover. 478pp. Very good. Illustrated. Index. Jahme looks at the stereotypical woman who gives up her life to study apes.

Price: $10.00

Ingenious Genes - How Gene Regulation Networks Evolve To Control Development
Sansom, Roger
Book Number: 56561
ISBN: 9780262195812
Publisher: MIT Press, 2011
8vo. hardcover. 128pp. index. Fine. / Near Fine d/w.

Price: $18.00

J. Robert Oppenheimer : shatterer of worlds
Goodchild, Peter
Book Number: 57257
ISBN: 0563177810
Publisher: BBC London 1980
Small 4to. hardcover. 301pp. index, b/w illus. Very good+. / Good+ wrinkled d/w.

Price: $18.00

The Immortalists: Charles Lindbergh, Dr. Alexis Carrel and their daring quest to live forever
Friedman, David M.
Book Number: 57396
ISBN: 9781906217488
Publisher: JR Books, London, 2008.
8vo. hardcover. 338pp. index, b/w illus. Very good. / Very good d/w.

Price: $18.00

The Weather Watchers, 100 Years of the Bureau of Meteorology
Day, David
Book Number: 57542
ISBN: 9780522852752
Publisher: Melbourne University Publishing, 2007
Large 8vo. hardcover. 530pp. index, colour & b/w illus. Fine. / Near Fine d/w.

Price: $25.00

The Fossil Trail: How We Know What We Think We Know About Human Evolution
Tattersall, Ian
Book Number: 57546
ISBN: 0195061012
Publisher: Oxford University Press, 1995.
8vo. hardcover. 276pp. index, b/w ilus. Very good+. / Very good+ d/w.

Price: $20.00

The Cracow Circle of Nicholas Copernicus
Geirrowski, Jozef
Book Number: 58942
Publisher: The Jagellonian University Press 1973
8vo. softcover. 118pp. b/w illus. 2 fold-out. Very good. / Very good d/w rubbed on edges.

Price: $18.00

Dragon Bones: The Story of Peking Man
Van Oosterzee, Penny
Book Number: 58947
ISBN: 186508123X
Publisher: Allen & Unwin, Sydney 1999.
8vo. hardcover. 198pp. index, colour illus. Near Fine. / Near Fine d/w.

Price: $15.00

Greenwich Time and the Discovery of Longitude
Howse, Derek
Book Number: 59654
ISBN: 0192159488
Publisher: Oxford University Press, London, 1980.
8vo. hardcover. 254pp. index, b/w illus. Very good. / Very good d/w.

Price: $25.00

How to Tell Science from Bunk
Pigliucci, Massimo
Book Number: 61418
ISBN: 9780226667867
Publisher: Chicago 2010
8vo. Softcover. 332pp. Good. Recent polls suggest that fewer than 40 percent of people believe in Darwin's theory of evolution, despite it being one of science's best-established findings. More and more parents are refusing to vaccinate their children for fear it causes autism, though this link can been consistently disproved. And about 40 percent of people believe that the threat of global warming is exaggerated, despite near consensus in the scientific community that manmade climate change is real. Why do people believe bunk? And what causes them to embrace such pseudoscientific beliefs and practices? Noted skeptic Massimo Pigliucci sets out to separate the fact from the fantasy in this entertaining exploration of the nature of science.

Price: $15.00

Lyons, John W
Book Number: 3860
Publisher: NY Scientific American Books 1985.
Sm. Square 4to. 170pp. Index. Colour & b/w illustrations & diagrams. Fine/fine

Price: $15.00

An Introduction to Regional Surveying
Fagg, C.C
Book Number: 6970
Publisher: Cambridge University Press Cambridge 1930
8vo. green cloth hardcover. 150pp. index. b/w frontis b/w maps, chartd, diag. very good, light wear to top of spine, minor wear to other corners. , light foxing to endpapers. A very nice copy. / no d/w. Scarce.

Price: $25.00

The Second Course of Orthographic Projection..with The Teeth of Wheels, Machinery
Binns, W
Book Number: 7019
Publisher: E & F N Spon: London, 1869
8vo. cloth hardcover. 180pp. + fold-out plans. b/w illus. a good solid copy, cover & endpapers marked.

Price: $25.00

Atmospheric Radiation Part 1: Theoretical Basis
Goody, R. M.
Book Number: 31627
Publisher: Oxford Clarendon Press 1964.
Large 8vo. hardcover. 436pp. index, very good+. / gery good d/w with sunned spine.

Price: $55.00

Book Number: 32619
Publisher: U.K: Chapman and Hall, 1950. 6th edition revised & enlarged
8vo. hardcover. 242pp. index, very good, light foxing to endpapers. / very good sunned d/w with 3 small pen marks on front panel.

Price: $20.00

Organic solvents. Physical Constants and Methods of Purification
Weissberger, Arnold, Proskauer, Erich
Book Number: 32635
Publisher: Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1935
8vo. hardcover. 212pp. index, very good, owner''s name inside front cover. good, sunned, chipped d/w.

Price: $25.00

Vertebrate Adaptations: Readings from Scientific American
Norman K. Wessells (introduction by)
Book Number: 22125
Publisher: San Fransisco, W. H. Freeman & Co. 1968
4to. softcover. 368pp. index. colour & b/w illus. very good, owner's name on fep, light tape marks inside covers.

Price: $15.00

The Water Closet. A New History.
Palmer, Roy.
Book Number: 21544
Publisher: A.H. & A.W. Reed; Wellington, Sydney, Auckland; 1973
8vo. hardcover. 141pp. index. b/w plates. very good+. / very good d/w, chipped top right corner. PO inscription on fep.

Price: $28.00

Brains, Behavior, and Robotics.
Albus, James S.
Book Number: 24621
ISBN: 0792452941
Publisher: New York, Mc Graw Hill,
4to. hardcover. 128pp. good, missing title page. / very good d/w.

Price: $25.00

The Undiscovered Mind How the Human Brain Defies Replication, Medication, and explanation
Horgan, John
Book Number: 55321
ISBN: 0297842250
Publisher: United Kingdom, Free Press 1999
8vo hardcover 325pp index. very good, page edges slightly browned. / very good d/w.

Price: $18.00

An Introduction to Science and Hygiene for Hairdressers.
KILGOUR, O.F.G. & McGARRY, Marguerite
Book Number: 3526
Publisher: London UK: William Heinemann Ltd, 1966
cloth, poor d/w, An essentioal manual for students and practising haridressers, based on syllabus issued by the city of london institute for basic and advanced craft exams.

Price: $12.00

David Suzuki: The Autobiography
Suzuki, David T.
Book Number: 49235
Publisher: Allen & Unwin Academic 2006
8vo softcover 404pp index, b/w illus. very good. The first volume of David Suzuki's autobiography, Metamorphosis, looked back at his life from 1986, when he was 50. In this eagerly awaited second installment, Suzuki, now 70, reflects on his entire life - and on his hopes for the future. The book begins with his life-changing encounters with racism while interned in a Canadian concentration camp during World War II and continues through his troubled teenage years and later successes as a scientist and host of PBS's The Nature of Things. With characteristic candor and passion, he describes his growing consciousness of the natural world and humankind's precarious place in it; his travels throughout the world and his meetings with international leaders, from Nelson Mandela to the Dalai Lama; and the abiding role of nature and family in his life. David Suzuki is an intimate and inspiring look at one of the most uncompromising people on the planet.

Price: $8.00

The deadly element: The story of uranium.
Bickel, Lennard
Book Number: 59557
ISBN: 0333241584
Publisher: McMillan 1980
8vo. Hardcover. 312pp. + 8pp. B/w plates. Index. Good no d/w.

Price: $15.00

Joseph Priestly Adventurer In Science And Champion Of Truth.
Gibbs, F. W. ; [Priestly, Joseph]
Book Number: 20667
Publisher: London, Nelson, 1965
8vo. hardcover. 258pp. + b/w plates. near fine. / very good d/w.

Price: $25.00

The Innerspace Project
Berner, Jeff
Book Number: 20186
Publisher: World Publishing USA 1972 1st Printing
8vo. hardcover. 304pp. b/w illus. very good. /good, chipped d/w.

Price: $12.00

Extraterrestrial Civilizations.
Asimov, Isaac
Book Number: 22716
Publisher: New York. Crown Publishers. 1979.
8vo. hardcover. 282pp. index, very good. / good, chipped d/w.

Price: $10.00

The acceleration of history
Piel, Gerard
Book Number: 32789
ISBN: 0394473124
Publisher: New York Knopf 1972
8vo hardcover 369pp. very good / very good d/w.

Price: $15.00

NOAH'S FLOOD. The New Scientific Discoveries About the Event That Changed History.
Ryan, William and Walter Pitman
Book Number: 58872
ISBN: 0684810522
Publisher: Simon & Schuster 1998
8vo. Hardcover in d/w. Near fine. 319pp. Index. Illustrations. An astonishing story grounded in science that sheds new light on our roots and gives fresh meaning to ancient myths.

Price: $12.00

Top Secret / Majic
Friedman, Stanton
Book Number: 6560
Publisher: NY: Marlowe 1996. First Edition
8vo. hardcover. 272pp. index. + b/w plates. near fine. / very good+ d/w.

Price: $8.00

From Vinland to Mars. a thousand years of exploration
Lewis, Richard
Book Number: 28721
ISBN: 0812962974
Publisher: Quadrangle 1978
8vo softcover 436pp index, b/w maps. very good.

Price: $12.00

Unraveling Piltdown : the science fraud of the century and its solution
Walsh, John Evangelist
Book Number: 30363
ISBN: 0679444440
Publisher: New York Random House 1996
8vo softcover 279pp index, b/w illus. Very good+. A look at the twentieth century's most infamous scientific hoax examines the paleontological find that initiated the controversy and explains how the hoa was perpetrated.

Price: $9.00

Desmond, Adrian; Moore, James R.
Book Number: 57760
ISBN: 0718134303
Publisher: Michael Joseph, London, 1991.
8vo. hardcover. 808pp. index, b/w illus. Very good, owner's signature on fep. / Very good d/w.

Price: $25.00

The God Delusion
Dawkins, Richard
Book Number: 62116
ISBN: 0593058259
Publisher: Bantam Press, 2006
8vo softcover 406pp very good+. In The God Delusion, Dawkins presents a hard hitting impassioned rebuttal of religion of all types and does so in the lucid, witty and powerful language for which he is renowned. It is a brilliantly argued, fascinating polemic that will be required reading for anyone interested in this most imotional and important subject.

Price: $9.00

Einstein's Theory of Relativity
Born, Max. [Albert Einstein]
Book Number: 61923
ISBN: 0486607690
Publisher: Dover
8vo. softcover. 376pp. index, b/w illus. Very good, owner's signature on fep.

Price: $18.00

The Comprehensible Cosmos: Where Do The Laws Of Physics Come from?
Stenger, Victor
Book Number: 61930
ISBN: 1591024242
Publisher: Prometheus Books, New York 2006.
8vo. hardcover. 340pp. index, b/w illus. Very good, owner's signature on fep. / no d/w.

Price: $25.00

The Thermal Structure of the Indian Ocean. (International Indian Ocean Expedition Oceanographic Monographs Number 2.)
Colborn, J.G.
Book Number: 23366
Publisher: Honolulu, Univ. Hawaii Press, 1975.
4to. hardcover.173pp. b/w illus. very good. / good d/w with large tear on front (repaired).

Price: $15.00

Wisdom of the Body
Nuland, Sherwin B
Book Number: 55435
ISBN: 070116672X
Publisher: Chatto & Windus, London 2007
8vo hardcover 395pp index, b/w illus. good+, page edges browned / very good d/w. Editorial ReviewsnnAmazon.com ReviewnMuch has been written about what makes humans distinct from other species, but what makes individual humans different from each other? Part of the answer lies in our responses to life-threatening illness, as Sherwin Nuland shows in this beautifully written meditation on human variability. Nuland explains biology and advanced medical procedures and makes them seem no more complicated than a good baseball game, and at least as exciting. Mostly, though, Nuland finds the human spirit within these complex systems, and the reader can be as exhilarated by his findings as he is. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.nnFrom Library JournalnIn this engrossing book, Nuland, author of the prize-winning How We Die, has turned his medical knowledge to the wonder of life. He offers a lucid anatomical and physiological tour of the human body, from cells and DNA to tissues and organs, reinforcing the sense of wonder with strategic case studies from his medical experience at Yale Medical School. Interspersed throughout is a discussion of the gnawing issue of what constitutes the mystery of life: How do biochemical interactions explain the quintessence of Homo sapiens? Nuland presents a formidable set of scientific facts and gives us much to ponder concerning our spirituality. Highly recommended.n-?James Swanton, Harlem Hosp. Lib., New YorknCopyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Price: $15.00

Droughts and Flooding Rains - The Weather of Australia
Ellyard, David
Book Number: 56739
ISBN: 0207185573
Publisher: Angus and Robertson 1995
4to. Softcover. 152pp. Very good. Ellyard explains in plain English hjow the weather of Australia works.

Price: $14.00

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