Land Engineering and Surveying for Students and Practical Use by Baker. T. and Leston, G. L.
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Land Engineering and Surveying for Students and Practical Use

Baker. T. and Leston, G. L.
Land Engineering and Surveying for Students and Practical Use
Book Number: 24092
Crosby Lockwood and Son, London, 1925 24th edition. Lockwood's Technical Manuals small green stamped cloth 8vo.Good copy with cloth faded lightly and marked, and worn at spine fold. Ads on fep. ffl is missing. Illustrated throughout with Illustrations and Lithographic plates, diagrams, calculations, tables, and fold out plans. Contents include Practical Geometry, Mensuration, Haydraulic Memoranda, Values of French Measures, General Principles of Surveying, Chain Surveying, Instruments for Angular Measurement, Logarithms, Trigonometry as applied in Surveying, Surveying with the Theodolite, Levelling, Railway Surveying, Sundry Cases arising in the laying out and division of land, Plotting plans and sections, Calculation of Areas and Cubical contents, misc. Caluculations and Examples, publications of the ordanance survey, Examination papers, List of Plates.
Keywords: Practical Geometry, Mensuration, Haydraulic Memoranda, Values of French Measures, General Principles of Surveying, Chain Surveying, Instruments for Angular Measurement, Logarithms, Trigonometry as applied in Surveying, Surveying with the Theodolite, Level
Price: $15.00