Gai Iuli Caesaris Commentariorum DE BELLO CIVILI Liber Primus - Caesar De Bello Civili I by Caesaris, Gai Iuli - Edited by A. G. Peskett
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Gai Iuli Caesaris Commentariorum DE BELLO CIVILI Liber Primus - Caesar De Bello Civili I

Caesaris, Gai Iuli - Edited by A. G. Peskett
Gai Iuli Caesaris Commentariorum DE BELLO CIVILI Liber Primus - Caesar De Bello Civili I
Book Number: 53834
Cambridge at the University Press 1923 12mo. Green stamped cloth. 172pp. good. Po name and piece cut out of ffl. Hand written notes and some underlining, notes on rep. Contents includes, Preface, Introduction, Text, Notes, Appendix, Indes, Maps - 1 fold out, two plates.
Price: $15.00