Ovid Selections by Ovid - Edited by George Yeld
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Ovid Selections

Ovid - Edited by George Yeld
Ovid Selections
Book Number: 53837
Arnold's Latin Text 12mo. Green cloth wraps. 64pp. Very good. School stamp on title page, contains underlining or notes. Contents includes Ovid's Life and Works, His Metre. Text: A Bee-keeper's sorrows relieved, Hercules kills a cattle robber, Arion or the Power of Music, His father's son, An agonizing dilemma solved. Bees and hornets - a sad mistake, Proserpine carries off by Dis. Ceres' search for Proserpine, Rival Vintages, Mildew and Rust, Gods entertained unawares, Jove as an amiable bull, How a swindler says his prayers. A Desperate ruse successful, An old crone's lore, Metellus saves the Palladium, How Crime Street gained its name, Country life as a cure for love, The Air-ship anticiped.
Price: $20.00