The Englishman's Flora by Grigson, Geoffrey - Foreword by Jane Grigson, Introduction by Prof. William T. Stearn.
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The Englishman's Flora

Grigson, Geoffrey - Foreword by Jane Grigson, Introduction by Prof. William T. Stearn.
The Englishman's Flora
ISBN: 046007007x
Book Number: 61842
Phoenix House JM Dent 1987 facsimile edition of 1955. 4to. hardcover in d/w. Very good. 478pp. Contents includes List of Illustrations and Note on the Illustrations, List of Regional Abbreviations, Foreword to the 1987 edition, Introduction to the 1987 edition, Foreword to the 1955 edition, The Flora, Bibliography, Index of Local Names, Index of Names for Celtic Languages, Index of Scientific and English Names.
Price: $45.00