The Buccaneers of America Comprising a pertinent and truthful description of the principal acts of depredation and inhuman cruelty committed by English and French Buccaneers against the Spanish in America by Exquemelin, A. O.
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The Buccaneers of America Comprising a pertinent and truthful description of the principal acts of depredation and inhuman cruelty committed by English and French Buccaneers against the Spanish in America

Exquemelin, A. O.
The Buccaneers of America Comprising a pertinent and truthful description of the principal acts of depredation and inhuman cruelty committed by English and French Buccaneers against the Spanish in America
Book Number: 68074
Folio Society, London 1972. 8vo. hardcover in slipcase. 194pp., b/w illus. Very good, rubbing to spine.
Keywords: pirates history sailing ships
Price: $15.00