Let's play Poker Nelson, Lee Book Number: 66098 ISBN: 9780980430516 Publisher: Monarch Books, Melbourne 2007
8vo. softcover. 254pp. Very good, front cover corner creased. Price: $10.00
Small Stakes Hold'em. Winning Big With Expert Play Miller, Ed; Sklansky, David; Malmuth, Mason Book Number: 66093 ISBN: 1880685329 Publisher: Two Plus Two Publishing, Henderson Nevada 2004.
8vo. softcover. 369pp. Very good, cover edges rubbed. Price: $25.00
No Limit Hold'em Theory and Practice Sklansky, David Book Number: 66092 ISBN: 188068537x Publisher: Two Plus Two Publishing, Henderson Nevada 2006.
8vo. softcover. 317pp. Very good. light crease on front cover. Price: $30.00
Hold'em Poker. For Advanced Players Sklansky, David Book Number: 66089 ISBN: 1880685221 Publisher: Two Plus Two Publishing, Henderson Nevada 1999.
8vo. softcover. 332pp. Very good. Price: $22.00
Australain Horse Racing. A Racegoers Companion to the Australian Turf. Pollard, Jack Book Number: 52082 ISBN: 0207154678 Publisher: Angus & Robertson 1988
8vo hardcover 762pp index, b&w and colour intext illus. very good / poor d/w with half the spine missing. Hundreds of entries are devoted tothe outstanding horses of the Australian turf pas and present, and these include detailed race-by-race career records in the case of major champions. Entries on trainers, jockeys, owners, administators, the heroes and villains, the bookmakers, broadcasters, leviathan punters, and prominent racecourse identities. Price: $15.00
Secrets of the Card Sharps Majax,Gerard Book Number: 63237 ISBN: 0718211715 Publisher: Kaye & Ward, London, 1977.
8vo. hardcover. 156pp. index, b/w illus. Very good. / Good+ d/w with a few small tears. Price: $25.00
Compulsive Gamblers the Tragic Results Sachar, David Book Number: 50513 ISBN: 1876494336 Publisher: The Oracle Press, Qld January 1, 2000
8vo softcover 191pp very good. According to statistics up to 82% of Australians gamble. Of these 333,000 experience gambling problems and 140,000 are considered to be compulsive gamblers. Australia has the dubious distinction of having 10% of the world's gambling machines. A small town in New South Wales has a poker machine for every 30 people. This book brings to light many heart rending stories of compulsive gamblers who have lost their money, their business, their families and their self-esteem. They have lost all hope of reconstructing their lives and many of them have become a burden to society. This human tradgedy gnaws at every corner of the land. The author is greatly concerned about the growth and proliferation of gambling machines and devices and says the government has a lot to answer for. The amount of revenue it collects from the gambling industry is enormous. The author doubts that any radical measures will be implemented to end the misery inflicted on gamblers and their families. It is David Sachar's fervent hope that potential gamblers who read this book will seriously consider the consequences of gambling and not take the risk. Price: $12.00
Switching Suits - The Year I Became a Poker Shark Braithwaite, Julie Book Number: 57431 ISBN: 0732294495 Publisher: Harper Collins 2012
Trade paperback. 264pp. Near fine. Inscribed by author. Clinical psychologist and mother of two Julie Braithwaite has a Glock pistol pointed at her head during an armed hold-up in a poker bar. After stumbling across a late-night episode of Celebrity Poker some months earlier, Julie′s conventional, middle-class life has taken a dramatic turn. Price: $8.00
Creative Poker - A Comprehensive introduction to the game of poker plus expert advice for those who think they know it all but wouldn't bet on it.... Henry, Ros and Brian Phillips Book Number: 61196 ISBN: 0330289896 Publisher: Pan 1985
8vo. Softcover. 187pp. Very good. The rules of poker are simple and anyone can very quickly pick up enough knowledge to sit in a game. Based on the authors experience running a poker schook, it clearly explains the basic starting requirements, how the game works, proceeds, the betting systems, choosing your games, infringements and penalties, terminology and how to run a small game school. Includes detailed descriptions of over 100 games with expert tactical advice, sound guidelines and mathematical tables for those who want to base their understanding of poker on the laws of probability. Price: $8.00
Lady Luck's Companion Berger, A. J. & Bruning, Nancy Book Number: 4363 ISBN: 0060146966 Publisher: Harper & Row, New York 1979 First Ed.
4to. 280pp. Index, b/w illus. How to play, how to bet, how to win. Very good / good chipped d/w. Price: $12.00
Winning at Poker : Essential Hints and Tips Scharf, Dave Book Number: 59920 ISBN: 0572029764 Publisher: Arcturus, London, 2006.
8vo. softcover. 256pp. b/w illus. Good+, stain on fep. Price: $12.00
Scarne's Guide to Modern Poker Scarne, John Book Number: 59919 ISBN: 0671530763 Publisher: Fireside / Simon & Schuster 1980.
8vo. softcover. 307pp. index. Good+, page edges browned. Price: $15.00
How to Play Poker and Win: The "Late Night Poker" Guide McNally, Brian Book Number: 51847 ISBN: 0752272195 Publisher: Channel 4 Books October 20, 2000
8vo softcover 192pp very good. po name on ffl. "How to Play Poker and Win" is a handbook for all card players from the budding card shark eager to learn the game from scratch to the practised poker bandit keen to unlock the secrets of poker-playing legends. With this detailed guide you can glean tips and information on: reading your opponent - what you can tell from the way a player handles their cards; what to do and what not - the rules and etiquette of the poker table; how to spot a maniac and avoid tap city with a glossary of poker parlance; and where to play - all the best casinos in the U.K., Europe and the U.S. are listed. Price: $16.00
How To Win At Roulette And Blackjack Dickson, Roy Ward Book Number: 48093 ISBN: 723406383 Publisher: Wolfe, London 1975
8vo. hardcover. 192pp. b/w illus. Very good. / Good+, chipped d/w. Price: $30.00
How to Win at Casino Gambling Gros, Roger Book Number: 31265 ISBN: 1863091599 Publisher: The Book Company 1996
Small 4to. softcover. 160pp. colour illus. very good.
Price: $8.00
How to win at blackjack : the Einstein system Einstein, Charles Book Number: 25923 ISBN: 0883650819 Publisher: Galahad Books 1974
8vo hardcover 93pp very good / good d/w. Price: $8.00