Pregnancy & Babies Books
There are 16 books in this catalogue.
Ward, Sally
Book Number: 42662
ISBN: 0712680985
Publisher: Century 2000
4to softcover 307pp, b/w illus. very good. The ability to use language well is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our children. Helping them to communicate, to listen and to understand, establishes the foundation of all their future learning. BabyTalk is a revolutionary new program based on groundbreaking research by leading language therapist Dr. Sally Ward. After thirty years as a therapist, Dr. Ward has identified three factors directly responsible for the development of a child's ability to speak: background noise, the amount of time parents or caregivers spend talking to a child, and the way in which a parent speaks to a child. These three factors form the basis of the BabyTalk program which has had extremely positive results, results which have far exceeded Dr. Ward's expectations. The BabyTalk program takes just half an hour of playtime a day. It is simple, stress-free, and can be easily followed by any parent, caregiver or childcare professional. Best of all, it's a lot of fun!
Price: $18.00