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Browse  Caligraphy Books

There are 2 books in this catalogue.
Twenty four Alphabets Upper and Lower Cases Plain and Decorative (Caligraphy)
Clark, H. V.
Book Number: 34825
Publisher: Pitman n.d. po dated 1938
oblong 8vo. Printed wrappers, worn around the edges. Copy printed on heavy card and unmarked. Po name and date of feb. Represents the most useful ornamental alphabets for general use.

Price: $55.00

Writing and Illuminating and Lettering
Rooke, Noel (Illustrator)
Book Number: 46940
ISBN: 0713622318
Publisher: A & C Black Publishers Ltd July 19, 1983 Originally published 1903
8vo softcover 470pp near fine. Facsimilie. Illustrated throughout with examples and explanations. The book is planned as a guide to models and mehtods for letter-craftsmen and students, especially those who cannot see the actual processes carried out and who may not have access to collections of MSS.

Price: $15.00