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Browse  Sociology Books

There are 14 books in this catalogue.
Research Methods in Social Relations
Rick H. Hoyle, Monica J. Harris, Charles M. Judd
Book Number: 67501
ISBN: 0155061399
Publisher: Wadsworth, 2002.
Large 8vo. laminated boards, hardcover. Good, introduction page creased, pencil marks on a few pages.

Price: $15.00

Research Methods: A Process of Inquiry
Anthony M. Graziano, Michael L. Raulin
Book Number: 67502
ISBN: 0205484751
Publisher: Pearson, 2007.
Large 8vo. laminated boards, hardcover. 447pp. Very Good.

Price: $15.00

Images Of Childhood: An Illustrated Social History
Schorsch, Anita
Book Number: 67413
ISBN: 0831748753
Publisher: Mayflower Books Inc, New York, 1979
Small 4to. hardcover. 176pp. index, b/w illus. Very good. / Very good d/w.

Price: $15.00

The Purple Decades
Wolfe, Tom
Book Number: 62768
ISBN: 0224029444
Publisher: Harmondsworth Penguin Books, 1984
8vo hardcover 397pp very good. / Good yellowed d/w with stain on top edge. In the 1960s and the 1970s Tom Wolfe rose to fame as the foremost chronicler of the gaudiest period in American history. It began at a hot rod and custom car show where he marvelled at the little nest of pink angora angel's hair used for the purpose of

Price: $15.00

Man Woman the One Is the Other
Badinter, Elisabeth
Book Number: 45791
ISBN: 0002725258
Publisher: Collins Harvill Pr 1989
8vo hardcover 279pp index. very good, owner's name on fep / very good d/w.

Price: $12.00

Key Concepts in Critical Social Theory
Crossley, Prof Nick
Book Number: 48459
ISBN: 0761970606
Publisher: Sage Publications Ltd December 23, 2004
8vo softcover 352pp near fine. minor highlighting in two places. Crossley's book offers valuable discussions that make it extremely useful for anyone interested in social theory. Nick Crossley's Key Concepts in Critical Social Theory is a useful reference tool for undergraduates of all majors trying to navigate the complexities of sociological theory. Key Concepts may also be useful for graduate students reviewing sociology basics for early graduate courses and later when preparing for comprehensive exams in sociological theory. The SAGE Key Concepts in Critical Social Theory: • Provides brief accounts of the central ideas behind the key concepts of critical social theory • Prepares students to tackle primary texts and/or gives them a point of reference when they find themselves stuck • Discusses each concept in an introductory way • Offers further reading guidance for independent learning• Is essential reading for undergraduates in sociology and across the social sciences.

Price: $18.00

The Victorians and Social Protest
J. Butt and I F Clarke (edited by)
Book Number: 3281
Publisher: David and Charles 1973
good copy in same d/w. Notes and references, index 243pp.

Price: $10.00

The Division of Labour in Society
Durkheim, Emile
Book Number: 46417
ISBN: 0333339819
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan December 13, 1984
8vo softcover 412pp very good. The work falls into three parts, first the contribution of the division of labour and the common consciousness, initially to mechanical and then to organic solidarity. Secondly the historical evolution from one form of solidarity to the other and thirdly, how far modern European societies fall short of the ideal type - the normal state - of organic solidarity.

Price: $35.00

The World's Strangest Customs.
Pike, E. Royston.
Book Number: 23300
Publisher: London. Odhams., 1966.
8vo. hardcover. 240pp. index, b/w illus. + b/w plates. very good. / very good d/w.'

Price: $25.00

XYZ: The New Rules of Generational Warfare
Grose, Michael
Book Number: 38950
ISBN: 1740513797
Publisher: Milsons Point, N.S.W. Random House 2005
8vo softcover 231pp. very good+.

Price: $6.00

Four Dimensional Social Space: A Reader in Australian Social Sciences
Jagtenberg, Tom (Editor)
Book Number: 45597
ISBN: 0063121271
Publisher: HarperEducationalPublishers 1992
large 8vo softcover 568pp. very good, Owner's signature on fep. This reader introduces a wide spectrum of Australian social issues. It expands upon the traditional dimensions of class, ethnicity and gender to include nature, thereby reflecting the importance of the environmental context of human activity. Extensively revised, this expanded edition includes over 100 articles and contributors, of which half are new to this edition. The text features a wide range of Australian course material, and provides additional statistics to support the discussions contained in the readings.

Price: $12.00

Amish Society
Hostetler, John A.
Book Number: 46325
ISBN: 0801844428
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993 4th edition
8vo. softcover. 435pp. index, b/w illus. Very good

Price: $18.00

Bobos In Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There
Brooks, David
Book Number: 52889
ISBN: 0684853787
Publisher: Simon & Schuster March 6, 2001
8vo softcover 284pp near fine. Do you believe that spending $15,000 on a media center is vulgar, but that spending $15,000 on a slate shower stall is a sign that you are at one with the Zenlike rhythms of nature? Do you work for one of those visionary software companies where people come to work wearing hiking boots and glacier glasses, as if a wall of ice were about to come sliding through the parking lot? If so, you might be a Bobo. In his bestselling work of "comic sociology," David Brooks coins a new word, Bobo, to describe today's upper class -- those who have wed the bourgeois world of capitalist enterprise to the hippie values of the bohemian counterculture. Their hybrid lifestyle is the atmosphere we breathe, and in this witty and serious look at the cultural consequences of the information age, Brooks has defined a new generation.

Price: $10.00

Sociology of Work
Grint, Keith
Book Number: 62167
ISBN: 0745620574
Publisher: Polity Press, U. K., 2002. 2nd edition
8vo. softcover. 388pp. index, Good, some highlighting, owner's name on fep.

Price: $12.00