Biology Books
There are 8 books in this catalogue.
Read, Tom
Book Number: 66660
ISBN: 03126643033
Publisher: Little Brown & Co., London, 1998.
8vo. hardcover. 348pp. b/w illus. Very good. / Very good d/w.
Price: $15.00
Red Panda Biology
Glatston, A.R. (Editor)
Book Number: 49867
ISBN: 9051030266
Publisher: SPB Academic 1989
8vo softcover 187pp very good. This volume comprises the papers which were presented at the Red Panda Conference held in Rotterdam Zoo in August 1987. The intention of this conference was to bring together people with zoo, field and university research backgrounds who shared a cmommon interest in the red panda with the aim of collecting and collating all the information currently available.
Price: $55.00