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There are 8 books in this catalogue.
Read, Tom
Book Number: 66660
ISBN: 03126643033
Publisher: Little Brown & Co., London, 1998.
8vo. hardcover. 348pp. b/w illus. Very good. / Very good d/w.

Price: $15.00

Red Panda Biology
Glatston, A.R. (Editor)
Book Number: 49867
ISBN: 9051030266
Publisher: SPB Academic 1989
8vo softcover 187pp very good. This volume comprises the papers which were presented at the Red Panda Conference held in Rotterdam Zoo in August 1987. The intention of this conference was to bring together people with zoo, field and university research backgrounds who shared a cmommon interest in the red panda with the aim of collecting and collating all the information currently available.

Price: $55.00

Parasitic Protozoa
Baker, J. R.
Book Number: 39374
ISBN: 090991613
Publisher: Hutchinson University Library 1969
8vo. Softcover. Index. 176pp. Po name and tape marks on end pages. This book gives and introductory account of the whole group of parasitic protozoa with an emphasis on those of medical and veterinary importance. Chapters cover Taxonomy, evolution, anatomy, physiology, trypanosomatids, intestinal flagellates, amoebae, gregarines, coccidea, haplosporea, malarie parasites, piroplasms, Taxoplasms, Cnidospora, parasitic ciliates

Price: $18.00

Inquiry into Life - 11e
Mader, Sylvia S.
Book Number: 60743
ISBN: 0072421975
Publisher: McGraw Hill 2006
4to. Pictorial Laminated Boards. 758pp. + appendix and Index. Brief contents includes Cell Biology, Plant Biology, Maintenance of the Human Body, Integration and Control of the Human Body, Continuance of the Species, Evolution and Diversity, Behavior and Ecology.

Price: $25.00

Histology - A Text and Atlas - Includes CD. With correlated Cell and Molecular Biology
Ross, Michael H. and Wojciech Pawlina
Book Number: 60744
ISBN: 0781772214
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2006
4to. Softcover. 906pp. Very good. Contents includes, Methods, The Cell Cytoplasm, The Cell Nucleus, Tissues: Concept and Classification, Epithelial Tissue, Connective Tissue, Cartilage, Bone, Adipose Tissue, Blood, Muscle Tissue, Nerve Tissue, Cardiovascular System, Lymphatic System, Integumentary System, Digestive System I: Oral Cavity and Associated Structures, Digestive System II: Esophagus and Gastrointestinal Tract, Digestive System III: Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Respiratory System, Urinary System, Endocrine Organs, Male Reproductive System, Female Reproductive System, Eye, Ear.

Price: $25.00

An Accidental Biography
Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti
Book Number: 21553
Publisher: Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1996
8vo. hardcover. 396pp. near fine. / very good+ d/w.

Price: $22.00

Hemingway - A Biography
Meyers Jeffrey
Book Number: 61312
ISBN: 0333421264
Publisher: London: Macmillan, 1986. First Edition.
8vo.Hard Cover. 646pp. index, b/w illus. Very Good+ / Very Good+ d/w.

Price: $18.00

My God! It's A Woman
Bird, Nancy
Book Number: 20319
ISBN: 0207168245
Publisher: Angus & Robertson 1991 reprint
paperback, 8vo. inscribed & signed by author on half title. 216pp Bw photo illustrations. Foreword by Gaby Kennard. Pictorial front cover. Story of one of Australia's early women pilots. VG+ aviation, biography

Price: $8.00