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Browse  Psychology Books

There are 57 books in this catalogue.
The Oxford Companion to the Mind
Gregory, Richard L
Book Number: 67455
Publisher: Oxford University Press, U.K, 1987
8vo. softcover. 856pp. index, b/w illus. very good, small crease on bottom cover edge.

Price: $15.00

The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language
Pinker, Steven
Book Number: 67385
ISBN: 0688121411
Publisher: Morrow, New York, 1994.
8vo. softcover. 494pp. index. Very good, light toning to page edges.

Price: $11.00

The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science
Doidge, Norman
Book Number: 66939
ISBN: 9781921215827
Publisher: Scribe, Melborne 2009
8vo softcover 427pp Good+, foxing to endpapers. Index. For years the doctrine of neuroscientists has been that the brain is a machine: break a part and you lose that function permanently. But more and more evidence is turning up to show that the brain can rewire itself, even in the face of catastrophic trauma.

Price: $11.00

Encounter With Jung
Rolfe, Eugene
Book Number: 66168
ISBN: 0851316115
Publisher: Sigo Press, Boston, 1989.
8vo. softcover. 232pp. index. Very good, rubbing to top of spine, small scuff on cover.

Price: $15.00

Man for Himself - An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics
Fromm, Erich
Book Number: 60573
ISBN: 0805014039
Publisher: Henry Holt - An Owl Book 1990
8vo. Soft cover. 254pp. Index. Very good. Are we primarily determined by nature or nurture? What are the best ways that people can live productively? In Man for Himself, renowned social philosopher Erich Fromm posits: With the gifts of self-consciousness and imagination, any individual can give his or her own unique answer. This answer is rooted in our human nature, and should correspond to mankind’s powers of reason and love. Therefore, Fromm reasons, “living itself is an art.” In his humanistic concept of man, Fromm describes various character orientations that are to be found in Western culture. For the first time, Fromm analyzes the parallels between economic concepts of market value and how we value others and ourselves—the idea of personality as a commodity. He argues for a return to humanistic ethics, and discusses issues such as the question of conscience, of selfishness and self-love, and of pleasure and happiness.

Price: $14.00

50 Psychology Ideas You Really Need to Know
Furnham, Adrian
Book Number: 65544
ISBN: 139781847248527
Publisher: Quercus, London 2008.
8vo. hardcover. 208pp. Very good. / no d/w.

Price: $10.00

Hysteria, Hypnosis and Healing The Work of J. M. Charcot
[J.-M. Charcot]
Book Number: 64571
ISBN: 023477455X
Publisher: Dennis Dobson, London, 1971.
8vo. hardcover. 152pp. index. Very good. / Very good d/w.

Price: $25.00

Hypnosis. For the Seriously Curious.
Bowers, Kenneth.
Book Number: 63374
ISBN: 0393953394
Publisher: W.W. Norton 1983.
8vo. softcover. 176pp. index. Near Fine.

Price: $15.00

Why We Lie
Rowe, Dorothy
Book Number: 63173
ISBN: 9780007357970
Publisher: 4th Estate, London 2010.
8vo. softcover. 364pp. index. Very good. inscribed & signed by author.

Price: $12.00

Interpretation of Dreams
Freud, Sigmund
Book Number: 63169
ISBN: 067960121x
Publisher: The Modern Library, New York 1978.
8vo hardcover 477pp Very good. / Very good d/w. Introducing the id, the superego, and their problem child, the ego, Freud advanced scientific understanding of the mind immeasurably by exposing motivations normally invisible to our consciousness.

Price: $14.00

Carl Gustav Jung: A Biography
McLynn, F.J.
Book Number: 62998
ISBN: 0552995622
Publisher: Black Swan, 1997.
8vo. softcover. 624pp. index. Good+, page edges toned.

Price: $12.00

Live 2006 Recording Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner Certification Training
The Coaching Institute
Book Number: 62864
Publisher: The Coaching Institute 2006
Large Plastic folder containing 24 CDs

Price: $45.00

Live 2009 Recording Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner Certification Training
The Coaching Institute
Book Number: 62863
Publisher: The Coaching Institute 2009
Large Plastic folder containing 24 DVDs

Price: $45.00

Piaget's Theory of Intelligence
Brainerd, Charles J.
Book Number: 62688
ISBN: 0136751083
Publisher: Prentice Hall, 1978.
8vo. hardcover. 326pp. index. Good underlining in pencil. / Very good d/w. Book and wrapper covered in clear adhesive plastic, owner's detail on fep.

Price: $10.00

The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud 3 Vol. in Slipcase
Jones, Ernest MD
Book Number: 57503
Publisher: Basic Books 1963
Large 8vo's. Cloth. Slipcase very good. Copies have a lightly faded spine, however the copies are very good with only the po name on fep. Here in dramatic detail, is the story of Freud's childhood and adolescence; his courtship and marriage, revealed in 900 hitherto-secret love letters; the freeing of his creative powers through self-analysis; his bitter struggles for recognition and his ascent to fame. Of particular interest, is Dr. Jones's graphic description of how Freud penetrated the mysteries of dreams and sexuality and developed the science of psychoanalysis.

Price: $125.00

Creating Minds: An Anatomy of Creativity Seen Through the Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi
Gardner, Howard
Book Number: 54359
Publisher: Basic Books, 1993.
8vo. softcver. 464pp. index, b/w illus. very good, cover corners slightly curled.

Price: $18.00

A Child Is Being Killed: On Primary Narcissism and the Death Drive
LeClaire, Serge
Book Number: 56284
ISBN: 0804731411
Publisher: Stanford University Press 1975
8vo. softcover. 88pp. index. Very good.

Price: $6.00

Psychiatric Ethics (Third Edition)
Bloch, Sidney; Chodoff, Paul & Green, Stephen A. (editors)
Book Number: 55498
ISBN: 0192628992
Publisher: Oxford University Press, 1999
Large 8vo. softcover. 550pp. index. Very good.

Price: $20.00

My Brush with Depression - The Greg Wilson Story
Cootes, Aaron and Greg Wilson
Book Number: 55450
ISBN: 1877029912
Publisher: Pennon Publishing 2005
8vo. Hardcover in d/w. 281pp. Index. Illustrated with colour photo's. Signed by Author on title page.

Price: $10.00

Sense Ability: Expanding Your Sense of Awareness for a Twenty-First-Century Life
Helmering, Doris Wild
Book Number: 54515
ISBN: 068816093X
Publisher: Eagle Brook July 1999
8vo softcover 260pp very good. Launching each chapter with a diagnostic question ("Do You Know How to Love?" "Do You Get Too Angry?" "Are You a Controlling Person?" "Do You Suffer from Anxiety and Depression?"), Helmering helps readers investigate and fine-tune their habits of mind.

Price: $12.00

Taking Sides - Clashing Views on Controversial Psychological Issues
Rubinstein, Joseph and Brent Slife
Book Number: 52911
ISBN: 0879677414
Publisher: Dushkin Pub. Group 1988
8vo softcover 378pp very good, po name on fep. Includes for and against arguments on a number of issues. Can Deception in Research be Justified? Can Experitements Using Animals Be Justified? Nature versus Nurture, Attitudes and Cancer, ESP, Hypnosis, Learning and Thinking Processes, Development and Intelligence, Mental Health and Therapy, Social Issues.

Price: $12.00

Alternatives Beyond Psychiatry
Stastny, Peter (Other Contributor), Peter Lehmann, Preface by Robert Whitaker.
Book Number: 52687
ISBN: 0978839919
Publisher: Peter Lehmann Pub. January 2007
8vo softcover 431pp near fine. New in wrapper. The great book of alternatives to psychiatry around the world. (Ex-) users and survivors of psychiatry, therapists, psychiatrists, lawyers, social scientists and relatives report about their alternative work, their successes, their individual and collective experiences. The book highlights alternatives beyond psychiatry, current possibilities of self-help for individuals experiencing madness, and strategies toward implementing humane treatment. These are some of the questions, which are addressed by the 61 authors—(ex-) users and survivors of psychiatry, medical practitioners, therapists, lawyers, social scientists, psychiatrists and relatives from all continents: What helps me if I go mad? How can I find trustworthy help for a relative or a friend in need? How can I protect myself from coercive treatment? As a family member or friend, how can I help? What should I do if I can no longer bear to work in the mental health field? What are the alternatives to psychiatry? How can I get involved in creating alternatives? Assuming psychiatry would be abolished, what do you propose instead?

Price: $30.00

Primary Objective: Neuro-Linguistic Psychology and Guerrilla Warfare
Horton, William D.
Book Number: 51767
ISBN: 1573531162
Publisher: Eschaton Productions Inc. 1998
8vo softcover 202pp. very good+.

Price: $10.00

Unexpected Legacy of Divorce
Wallerstein, Judith Et Al
Book Number: 49204
ISBN: 073227043X
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers June 28, 2001
8vo softcover 347pp near fine. Twenty-five years ago, when the impact of divorce on children was not well understood, Wallerstein began what has now become the largest study on the subject, and this book, presents the psychologist's startling findings. By tracking approximately 100 children as they forge their lives as adults, she has found that contrary to the popular belief that kids would bounce back after the initial pain of their parents' split, children of divorce often continue to suffer well into adulthood. Their pain plays out in their relationships, their work lives and their confidence about parenting themselves. Wallerstein argues that although the situation is dire, there is hope to be found at the end of good counseling and healing.

Price: $10.00

Psychology and Primitive Culture
Bartlett, F.C.
Book Number: 46198
ISBN: 837132444
Publisher: Greenwood Press, 1970
8vo. brown cloth hardcover. 294pp. index. Very good+. / No D/W.

Price: $15.00

Slim to None : A Journey Through the Wasteland of Anorexia Treatment
Hendricks, Jennifer
Book Number: 44539
ISBN: 0071433716
Publisher: McGraw-Hill 2003
8vo softcover 312pp index, b/w illus. very good.

Price: $15.00

Psychology at Work
Warr, Peter (Editor)
Book Number: 43312
ISBN: 0140136797
Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd July 25, 1991
8vo softcover 448pp very good. Workload, Training, Computers, Leadership, Ergonomics, Negotiation, Stress, Rest.

Price: $8.00

Sex and Gender
Archer, John and Barbara Lloyd
Book Number: 43204
ISBN: 0521635330
Publisher: Cambridge University Press August 12, 2002
8vo softcover 294pp very good. This second edition of John Archer and Barbara Lloydas Sex and Gender is extremely wide-ranging and tackles challenging theoretical issues, including the ultimate origins of sex differences in human behavior. In bringing social, developmental, and evolutionary theories to bear on many different types of female and male behaviors, Archer and Lloyd have produced an intellectually sophisticated text. Yet, the writing is engaging and accessible to undergraduates. Another plus is that the research covered in the book stems from a wide range of cultures. This is a truly outstanding book! Sex and Gender (2nd edt.) is a substantially revised edition of a classic text. Adopting a balanced approach to the often controversial study of sex differences, the authors introduce the reader to the fundamental questions relating to sex and gender in an accessible way. Drawing on the latest research, new developments are explored such as the rise of evolutionary psychology and the influence of Social Role Theory as well as new psychoanalytic and ethno-methodological approaches which have all contributed to a greater understanding of the complex nature of masculinity and femininity.

Price: $30.00

Savage Girls and Wild Boys: A History of Feral Children
Newton, Michael
Book Number: 42308
ISBN: 0571201393
Publisher: Faber & Faber 2002
8vo hardcover 284pp index, b/w illus. very good+ / very good+ d/w.

Price: $10.00

Communication Assessment and Intervention Strategies
Lloyd, Lyle E. (editor)
Book Number: 41865
ISBN: 0839107587
Publisher: University Park Press 1976
8vo hardcover 904pp index. very good, owner's details on fep / good d/w.

Price: $18.00

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